Dr Melissa Buttini m.b.b.s franzcog
Specialist Gynaecologist
Research Updates:
A study by Professor Jason Abbott has shown that vaginal laser is no better than placebo for treating vaginal dryness. Read the findings here.
Probiotics unfortunately not yet showing promise in treating vulvovaginal Candidiasis or BV. International review article here
A selection of educational videos patients might find useful
Hysteroscopy is a procedure to inspect inside the cervix and uterine cavity.
It is usually performed to exclude cancer of the endometrium, remove sub mucous fibroids, or, as in this video, to identify and remove polyps
What's inside the abdomen?
We may only think about it when we have cramping pain, swelling or bloating.
Many women think the uterus and ovaries are much higher than they really are, but actually they are normally deep inside the pelvis.
In fact, most of the abdomen is taken up by the small and large intestine, which are the culprits when it comes to many common symptoms of abdominal pain and bloating.
Take a tour in this video, and then learn about Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the FODMAPS diet here.
Vulvovaginal disorders
including Lichen Sclerosus and Chronic vulvovaginal Candida and
Sexually transmitted Infections
HPV 16 and 18 Clinical trial in Australia, Could you or someone you know be offered a place?
This site has links to various topics I manage as a specialist gynaecologist. Feel free to browse the information available.
Vaginal treatment with laser therapy for symptoms of menopause and for serious conditions such as vulval Lichen Sclerosus is not recommended by learned medical societies, and may distract patients from appropriate treatment. An Australian randomised controlled trial showed laser therapy was no better than sham laser (that is, with the laser switched off). The study is here.
In March 2023, the ISSVD reported: "The recently available data, combined with the high placebo effect expected in treatments to improve sexual function, sustains the recommendation issued by the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD) in 2019, that vaginal LASERs should not be used out of the setting of clinical trials".
In 2024 the TGA cancelled all devices from the ARTG in Australia.
Other conditions I treat:
Submucous fibroids grow inside the uterine cavity and can cause very heavy periods. If a woman develops heavy periods with a Mirena IUD already in place, a fibroid should be suspected. This video shows fibroid resection performed as an outpatient as a day surgery case, with no cuts in the body, and little post operative discomfort, allowing return to normal activities the next day.
Contraversies in the treatment of postmenopausal
vulvovaginal atrophy with energy based devices (laser/ radiofrequency)
The Wesley Medical Centre Brisbane
Basic Science Gynaecology
Thank you very much to the many patients over 18 years since I have been at The Wesley Hospital who have allowed me to share the de-identified pictures of their surgeries with other women, and for participating in research projects I have been involved in. You have helped many other women understand their bodies by being so kind as to do this, you have reduced their anxieties, and helped them to make decisions about their own treatment ... you deserve to know how important this has been to them.
Links to external sources provided on this site are for educational purposes only. If you have questions about this information please direct them to Dr Buttini or an appropriately qualified medical practitioner.
All surgical procedures and medical treatments discussed on this site carry risks. You should completely familiarise yourself with these risks before proceeding with any treatment, and obtain independent advice if your are unsure.
Latest Research Updates:
FDA approves Mirena for 8 years for contraception.
WHO finds Mirena effective as a contraceptive for 7 years. Read article here.
Mirena Device not associated with weight gain compared to copper IUD after 10 years use. (Published Feb 2015).
Mirena Device associated with small increased risk of lobular and ductal breast cancer in a Finnish Population (published Feb 2016)read abstract here
But, scientists unsure if device is the cause, or other factors associated with the reason women choose it article here
Recent analysis shows no increased risk of breast cancer in progestin users, but larger studies needed (published Dec 2015) Abstract here
Mirena device associated with reduced risk of endometrial, ovarian, pancreatic, lung cancers. (Published August 2014)
Obesity a significant independent risk factor for cancer (published March 2016) Abstract here (Could obese/nulliparity/non breast feeding be the confounding factor?)
Prepregnancy obesity an independent risk factor for breast and ovary cancer (published Feb 2016).
Oral contraceptives and risks of Breast and Ovarian Cancer. Full article here
Oral Contraceptive use and risk of Breast, Cervical, Colorectal and Endometrial Cancers. Full article here
Association between Metabolic Syndrome and cancer.
Cancers in Australia in 2010 attributable to and prevented by the use of combined oral contraceptives. Full article here
Study of >300,000 women shows childbearing, breast feeding, oral contraceptive use reduces all cause mortality. Full article here
Swedish National Cohort Study of over 2 million women shows the increased risk of breast cancer in users of the Mirena device at average risk is an extra 1.45 cases per 10,000 women-years , with a reduced risk of endometrial and ovary cancers. Full article here.
I am a sub-investigator for a Randomised Controlled trial of a Vaginal insert which is being investigated for its potential ability to clear HPV 16 and 18 from the lower genital tract.
If you are interested in participating in this trial you can find information on it CLICK HERE.
3371 1800
Office consultations
Monday 10 am to 5.00 pm
Tues-Thurs 7.00 am to 5.00 pm